
Tuesday, November 30, 2004


I'm pissed.

Pissed at friends that make you doubt whether they really are your friends. Pissed at those who call you when they need you, but wave away every invitation or refuse to reply for no apparent reason. And even if there were a reason, they are relentless to talk about it. Sorry, but I've wiped out your name in my book. All what is left, is loneliness.

I'm pissed at our mutual friends that sense all this, for the simple reason that they were involved in it, trying to soothe me with words like "Next time we'll go out and have fun", making me feel even more pathetic. I'm pissed at people not telling me what's going on, I'm pissed at human interaction


and while I'm typing this, I get an email from you. Maybe I'm not that alone after all. Thank you.


but why haven't you replied yet?


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