
Tuesday, March 29, 2005


An empty stomach, five cigarettes, lack of sleep, a turbulent mind and Nuovo Cinema Paradiso have made me decide to desert Nietzsche for a while. If the Ubermensch can't cry, I don't want to meet him. If life is about desperately trying to be strong, then I say weakness is strength. There is a saying in Japanese, 柳の枝に雪折れなし (litt. the branches of a willow don't break under the weight of snow), which basically means as much as in yielding is strength. Oh so true.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Come and go

We enter this world crying, leaving our mothers in exhaustion.

We leave this world in exhaustion, leaving our children crying.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

From [OoooOOoooOOOoooooooO...ow...] to [Krrrroookkkroookkrr....oo]

[Yes, I am back]


It's been a while, I feel like I just rediscovered the attic. Problem is, it's filled with stuff I for some reason don't feel that attached to anymore. There's a certain distance between myself and whatever I have written underneath the dust. Maybe it's time for the annual (in my case bi-monthly) spring-cleanup. But for now, I'll close this door and focus on more urgent matters such as hunting down my lost TV remote.

