I've known this website (only in Japanese, sorry) for a while, but it was recently brought to my attention again by Japanese blogs
Kissui.net and
Paradox (has undergone some changes / cannot find the link back):
山手線占い. Remarkably accurate, if I may say so myself. But maybe that's because it's quite complimentary. My station would be Uguisudani, implying straightforwardness, individuality, love for freedom, and originality. Hmmm, why do I feel my ego is about to burst out of my skin? For those who are interested but can't read Japanese, give me your birthdate and I'll make a quick translation - if I can find the time of course. ;-)
Update: some other interesting / funny ones (in Japanese) are
Philosopher's Fortunetelling (I was Lacan), and especially
Japanese History Fortunetelling (I was Kukai).